


耳鼻咽喉科拥有2个医疗中心,12个完整建制的专业科 室。经过近十年的发展,现已形成学科门类齐全,设施设备先 进,技术服务领先,管理科学高效,具有全国辐射力和一定国 际影响的国内少数几家大型耳鼻喉专科。专科已连续7年入 选中国最佳专科声誉前10排名。

学科是山东省重点学科,卫生部住院医师规范化培训基 地,山东大学博士和硕士学位授予点,山东省泰山学者岗位, 山东省耳鼻咽喉与头颈外科临床医学中心;山东省听觉重建 重点实验室,以及FISCH国际显微耳科培训中心。

拥有一批国家及省级学术带头人,多人长期担任全国耳 鼻喉学会、山东省耳鼻喉学会主要领导人。学术骨干均有系统 的海外培训与学习经历,占医疗人员总数的50%以上。已逐 步建立了一支富有创新活力,结构组成合理,管理灵活高效的 学术团队。

学科科研实力雄厚,配套有山东省耳鼻喉研究所、山东省 耳科学重点实验室、山东省人工听觉工程技术研究中心、山东 省医学领军人才创新工作室等研究机构。

在解决疑难、复杂、危重疾病方面开展了一系列创新性 工作,拥有多项国内首创及领先的防治技术。与美国洛杉矶 大学House耳研所、斯坦福大学医学院、宾夕法尼亚大学医 学院、北卡莱罗纳大学听力学中心、瑞士苏黎世大学、意大利 Piaenza耳科组等开展了广泛的学术交流与合作。

The ENT department has 2 medical centers, twelve professional departments of complete organizational system. After nearly 10 years of development, it has formed complete disciplines, facilities, advanced equipment, leading technology services, scientific and efficient management, and has several large domestic specialists with domestic radiation and international influence. It has been selected the best professional department reputation of China ranking top 10 in 7 consecutive years.

The department is a key discipline of Shandong province, the resident standardization training base of the ministry of health, the doctor's and master's degree awarding place of Shandong University. Job post of Shandong Taishan scholar, otolaryngology and head and neck surgery clinical medical center in Shandong province, hearing reconstruction key laboratory of Shandong province, and FISCH, the international microscopic otology training center.

It has a group of national and provincial academic leaders. Many staff of our department have been the major leaders of national ENT society and Shandong ENT society for a long time. Academic backbones have systematic overseas training and learning experience, which cover more than 50% of the total number of medical staff. It has gradually established a creative and vigorous, reasonably structured, flexible and efficiently managed academic team.

The discipline is strong in scientific research. There are some supporting units like ENT research institute of Shandong province, Shandong key laboratory of otology, artificial acoustic engineering technology research center in Shandong province, Shandong medical talents innovation studio research institutions, etc.

We have carried out a series of innovative work in dealing with difficult, complex, critical diseases, and we have a number of domestic initiative and advanced control technologies. We have carried out extensive academic exchanges and cooperation with the university of Los Angeles House ear institute, Stanford university school of medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of medicine, Audiology Center of University of North Carolina, University of Zurich of Switzerland, Italy Piacenza otology group.